30 Kasım 2008

love in the afternoon.1957.

"- i'm rather glad you are leaving tonight. it makes everything so much simpler
- that's the way it should be. no involvement, no complications, no danger
- none at all
- the trouble is people get attached to each other, things drag on, scenes, tears. Everything gets so maudlin. i think people should always behave as though they were between planes.
- very sound, Mr. Flannagan.
- it's basic. he who loves and runs away, lives to love another day.
- i must remember that.
- works out great.
- works for you."

"i have too many dates"

"item12: A banker from Brussels
item 13: the chauffeur of the banker from Brussels."

" it's nothing really. i'am susceptible. you don't have to worry about me. there have been so many men before, there'll be so many after this. it's going to be one of those crazy years.
i'll be perfectly all right.
i'll be all right.."
fascination (1932 song)

merci mineeee

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